quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010

Um mundo sem Flash

Pois é, o Facebook agora está adicionando suporte à videos com HTML5 ao invés de Flash.
A briga entre a Adobe e a Apple por conta do Flash para iPhone e iPad pelo jeito está tomando um rumo a favor do HTML5.

Facebook Adds HTML5 Support to Videos - PCWorld: "Sorry, Flash, but it looks like yet another Website is petitioning to join Apple's 'iPad Ready' clique. On Tuesday, MacStories discovered that Facebook is converting its newest videos into HTML5 for easy iPad/iPhone viewing.

Currently, users who wish to show off their video creations on Facebook have two options: embed via YouTube, or upload to Facebook directly. Until now, iPhone and iPad users could only view linked YouTube clips; Facebook video would present the all-too-familiar 'Flash Player upgrade required' when tapped."

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