quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010

Overclock do iphone

O processador do iPhone 3G na verdade é de 600Mhz e do 3GS é de 833Mhz, mas a Apple limita a operação dos processadores a 412Mhz e 600Mhz respectivamente. É possível retirar a limitação tornando o celular mais rápido, porém isso irá anular a garantia e o superaquecimento pode diminuir a vida útil do celular ou até mesmo danificá-lo.

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Overclock iPhone and iPod Touch CPU Speed:

Steps to Overclock or increase CPU Speed of iPhone and iPod Touch

Step 1. Navigate to System/Library/System/System Configuration/PowerManagement.bundle/

Step 2. You will see a file named "com.apple.SystemPowerProfileDefault.plist"

Step 3. Instead of editing, you are just rename it to "SystemPowerProfileDefaultbak.plist" so the device does not recognize it.

Step 4. Do a reboot and you overclock your iPhone.

segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010

Acessórios bugiganga do iPhone

Acessórios para transformar o seu iPhone em ventilador, lanterna, termômetro, monitor cardíaco, controle remoto infravermelho, microscópio e estetoscópio. Tudo isso fabricado pela empresa alemã HMB TEC.

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How To Turn Your iPhone Into A Laser, Fan Or Flashlight - Gizmodo:
"There's that aforementioned fan, which costs 19.90 € (see the first YouTube video below to see it working), with no app needed to control it like with the laser, which costs 20 € and then a further $5.99 for the app.

Other accessories HMB TEC has pioneered include a flashlight, thermometer, heart monitor, infrared remote, microphone and stethoscope. Really, there's enough add-ons and apps here to open a doctor's surgery—or at the very least, impress a lot of people from your office cubicle. [HMB TEC via Recombu]"

sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010

Google compra BumpTop e pode trazer ambiente 3D para o Android

A Google começou o ano em uma corrida de aquisições, outra aquisição foi a bumptop, cujo produto é um ambiente gráfico em 3D para a área de trabalho. Já se especula que a Google implemente este ambiente no Android.

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Google acquires BumpTop, possibly bringing features to Android - Boy Genius Report:

"Google is certainly making good on their promise to again start acquiring companies on a pretty quick pace. Latest on the list is BumpTop, a multitouch 3D interface for the computer desktop. Chatter around the web has suggested Google might use some of BumpTop's IP to give Android a makeover, possibly even making a 3D environment. Then, of course, there's the fantastic multitouch implementation BumpTop has integrated into their UI and it's pretty impressive. BumpTop raised $1.65 million in funding in 2007 and the rumored selling price is said to be $35-$40 million. Check out the video of it in action after the break!"

Filmando em resolução HD (720p) com o iPhone OS 4

Informações encontradas no iPhone 4 SDK beta confirmam o suporte a vídeos em HD no iPhone OS 4. O hardware do iPhone 3GS já é capaz de fazer gravações em HD em teoria, basta ver se o update do OS vai permitir que o iPhone 3GS também gravem em HD, ou se este recurso será exclusivo do próximo iPhone, cada vez mais conhecido como iPhone HD.

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iPhone OS 4 unlocks 720p video capture, further solidifying iPhone HD? - Engadget:
Last time on let's-speculate-about-Apple-products, the New iPhone rumor mill dug up dirt on video chat and a 5 megapixel camera. Now, it appears there might be one more reason to call it the iPhone HD. MacRumors reports that the iPhone SDK 4 beta includes the value "AVCaptureSessionPreset1280x720," leading some to believe Cupertino's next phone will record video in 720p. Mind you, the iPhone 3GS was technically already capable of that feat, so this might not have anything to do with a new handset, but honestly, at this point the iPhone's camera wouldn't be competitive recording in a smaller format anyhow.

HTML5, Scribd e Microsoft

Após as explicações do Steve Jobs de porque o iPhone e iPad não suportarem Flash e sim o HTML5, principalmente por ser uma tecnologia ultrapassada e que onera muito o processador dos equipamentos, opinião também compartilhada pela equipe do Opera, a Microsoft anunciou que o IE9 já suportará vídeo em HTML5.

Ainda falando em HTML5, além do Vimeo, Youtube, New York Times e outros sites estarem mudando a tecnologia do site para HTML5, que podem ser considerados sites iPad ready,  site Scribd que utilizava flash para apresentação dos documentos compartilhados, agora está utilizando HTML5 apenas.

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Microsoft sides with Apple, embraces H.264 as HTML5 web video standard - Boy Genius Report:
Outside of the debate on the future of Flash and Flash video on the Internet is a separate but related battle over the video standard that will be supported by HTML5. On one side of the battle line is Firefox and Opera which has pledged support for the Ogg Theora video standard, and on the other side is Apple which has been pushing for H.264. Apple is no longer alone in this fight and now has an unlikely ally in Microsoft which announced on Thursday that IE 9 will support H.264 for HTML5 video. Ogg supporters are understandably disappointed with this decision as the two computing giants may now have the combined power to squash Ogg Theora support in these other browser platforms. Look for things to get messier before they get better as Google is expected to debut its own On2-derived V8 video protocol at Google I/O next month.

Scribd picks new Web technology over Flash - CNET News:

In one of the clearest examples so far of just how much Flash is threatened by next-generation Web technologies, Scribd, a service for hosting and sharing documents online, is moving to a future that doesn't require Adobe Systems' plug-in.

"After three years of building on Flash, Scribd is starting over and moving everything to HTML5," said Scribd co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Jared Friedman in prepared remarks for a speech at the Web 2.0 Expo. "I think it's the largest deployment of HTML5 to date, and it's a bet-the-company decision for us."

quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010

Google venderá eBooks via Google Editions

Aproveitando todas as páginas scanneadas pelo Google Books e fechando acordo com editoras e autores o Google irá lançar o Google Editions para vender as versões online das publicações, estreando assim no mercado da Amazon e Apple, de venda de ebooks.

Google Editions Launching This Summer to Challenge Amazon, Apple - eWeek:

Microsoft e HP correndo atrás do iPad

Após rumores do cancelamento dos tablets HP Slate e Microsoft Courrier, Bill Gates em entrevista com a Fox Business Network diz que a Microsoft deve estar desenvolvendo um Tablet, porém orientado a utilizar caneta e não os dedos.
O cancelamento destes projetos parece ser devido ao Windows 7 não se adaptar bem a ser um sistema operacional orientado a toques e o uso do processador que seria necessário, que acarretaria em problemas no projeto do Tablet. Então com a contra da Palm pela HP, o próximo Tablet da HP provavelmente terá o WebOS e o tablet da Microsoft não será multitouch.

Trecho da notícia original e link:

Bill Gates Says Microsoft Tablet Projects Are in the Works - eWeek:

segunda-feira, 3 de maio de 2010

1 milhão de iPads vendidos em menos de um mês

A apple já vendeu 1 milhão de iPads, e foram baixados mais de 1.5 milhão de eBooks e 12 milhões de aplicações.

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Apple sells 1,000,000 iPads in revolution's first month - Engadget:
Steve told us it'd be revolutionary, and if sales are the measure of a device's success, then the iPad seems to be well on track to validating its creator's bold claims. This past Friday, "just 28 days after its introduction," Apple sold its millionth iPad. 1.5 million ebooks have already been downloaded to the device, along with 12 million apps. Steve Jobs has also taken time from his busy essay-writing schedule to remind us that that's less than half of the 74 days it took to achieve the milestone with the original iPhone, and demand for the "magical" slate continues to outstrip supply. Full PR after the break.